How to Choose Your Berber Carpet

Precision Decorating > Home Improvement Blog > How to Choose Your Berber Carpet

Berber carpet is a type of carpet that has been around for a long time. There are many styles of berber carpet, as well as different fiber types. We are going to discuss a few key points that will help you select the right berber carpet for you and your home.

How to Choose Your Berber Carpet

  • Looped or non-looped – There are seven styles of berber carpet. The main difference between different styles is if it is looped or non-looped. When the carpet has random loops, it is called looped berber. If the loops have a pattern it is called patterned looped. Cut and loop berber is made with loops and cut loops. We suggest coming in to see all of the styles of berber carpet to select which one looks best to you.
  • Carpet fibers – There are three main fibers used to make berber carpet.
    • Wool – Wool is a natural fiber from sheep. It is the costliest of the three fiber types. It is important to have your wool berber carpets professionally cleaned by someone who is well educated on the care and treatment of wool carpets. Wool carpets can last a lifetime.
    • Olefin – Olefin is the least expensive of the three fiber options. It tends to attract dirt and therefore needs to be professionally cleaned often. This fiber type can last up to ten years.
    • Nylon – Nylon is the most durable, resists stains, and is easily cleaned. Nylon carpets can last as long as 20 years.

Berber carpets are a great option for many homeowners. They are very high quality and last years. There is an upfront cost, but you will not have to replace your carpets as often. Stop by Precision Decorating to see all the many berber carpet options.