Bathroom Lighting, Winston-Salem, NC

Precision Decorating > Bathroom Remodeling, Winston-Salem, NC > Bathroom Lighting, Winston-Salem, NC

You’ll want to follow some of these basic guidelines when it comes to choosing bathroom lighting.

Bathroom Lighting in Winston-Salem, NC
For most people, the bathroom is the place where you get ready in the morning; it’s the last place you look at yourself before you decide you are ready to take on the world. So, why not set yourself up for success?

Bathroom lighting plays a big role in the way we see ourselves in the mirror, and believe it or not, this plays an important role in the way we operate day-to-day. At Precision Decorating, we think it’s important to follow some of these basic guidelines when it comes to choosing bathroom lighting for your home in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

  1. Fluorescent lighting is rarely a good choice. Fluorescent lighting is harsh and bright, which can wash out even the best bathroom colors around it. Avoid this lighting type entirely in bathrooms, and look instead for incandescent lights that can be dimmed and brightened.
  2. Magnifying lights are only for special use. A magnifying light helps you see things that your naked eye wouldn’t normally be able to identify and can be helpful in certain circumstances like personal hygiene or makeup application. Magnifying lights shouldn’t be installed as your primary bathroom lighting choice, however, and instead might be a separate utilitarian feature that can be stored away when not in use.
  3. Avoid lighting that emphasizes the floor. Bathroom lighting should mimic natural lighting, which comes from above or from the side. It’s not natural for light to directly shine down on your face either, so when choosing bathroom lighting, look for balanced lighting that’s situated overhead or on the walls to make your bathroom look beautiful.

At Precision Decorating, we can help you find the best bathroom lighting to fit your space and needs. Our design specialists can even help you reinvent your entire bathroom so that it offers maximum comfort and function. Contact us today to schedule your design consultation.