Precision Decorating > Home Improvement Blog > Where Can I Save Money on Kitchen Remodeling?

A kitchen remodel can be a costly and often intimidating process. You may know what you want but may not have the funds to get everything on our must-have list. That’s why it is important to know where you can spend and where you can save money when it comes to your kitchen remodeling project.

Where Can I Save Money on Kitchen Remodeling?

Where to Spend

  • Countertops – For many homeowners, the kitchen countertop is the focal point of their kitchen.  It is used often, and it is important to have something that will last. It’s alright to spend a little more on a countertop that will have a high visual impact and set the tone for your kitchen.
  • Hardware & Fixtures – Choosing hardware and fixtures can easily be one of the most challenging things you do during kitchen remodeling. The rule of thumb is that better hardware will withstand more wear and leave you with better results in your kitchen.
  • Backsplashes – A beautiful backsplash can add so much character to your space. It can be one of the most exciting and unique pieces of your new kitchen. You don’t need much to go a long way, so it’s okay to spend a little extra.

Where to Save

  • Cabinets – If at all possible, save money on your kitchen cabinetry. Ready-to-assemble options are much cheaper than custom cabinetry, and in many cases, what you already have in your kitchen can be updated with new hardware or a new finish for added savings.
  • Appliances – Unless you are a trained chef, the newest and best kitchen appliances are not a need. Stainless steel is still the standard, but you can find many alternative pieces at lower prices that will do the job just fine. Don’t be tempted by add-ons and special features.
  • Sink – Many sinks will do the job, and it is not necessary to seek out one that costs a fortune.  It is okay, however, to purchase a faucet that you love.

There is a lot to think about when it comes to kitchen remodeling, and at Precision Decorating, we are here to help you with every detail. Call us today to schedule a design appointment and to learn how we can help you get great results.