Kitchen Designs That Should Retire

Precision Decorating > Home Improvement Blog > Kitchen Designs That Should Retire

When it comes to design, a lot of choices are subjective to what the client wants. While one person’s bold patterns might make them happy, for others it might make them anxious! Design is all about working with elements that will come together as a cohesive whole to make the client feel comfortable in a space with elements that they enjoy. When it comes to kitchen design, there are many different trends that come and go throughout the years. While everyone can enjoy their own styles, there are a few kitchen designs that can retire, including:

  • Range-hood microwaves- The thought of range-hood microwaves is a nice one- combine two appliances into one! How convenient! In actual practice, you’re asking people to lift heavy and hot dishes of food over their heads. While some people prefer this design for practicality, an in-cabinet microwave at chest or lower cabinet level makes for a good compromise.

we can create the kitchen design of your dreams

  • Granite countertops– Don’t panic- we aren’t saying get rid of granite! That would be kitchen design blasphemy! However, what we would like to see more of are materials such as quartz countertops that can be just as durable and attractive, but with less maintenance for today’s busy families.
  • Dark cabinets– Unless your kitchen is large with tons of light, dark cabinets are going to make your home feel dark and/or overly masculine. Tread lightly when considering dark cabinets!

As we mentioned above, design choices are often very personal ones. What are some kitchen design choices that you would like to see more of? What about choices you would like to see less of? Let us know here at Precision Decorating how we can create the kitchen design of your dreams!