Helpful Tips When Preparing for Your Kitchen Remodel

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Most families today spend a great deal of time in the kitchen. Along with food preparation and eating, kitchens are places for socializing, working on projects, and doing online work or school. While a kitchen remodel may make each of these tasks more enjoyable and convenient in the long run, it can cause several hiccups during the remodeling process if you aren’t prepared. Here are a few tips for preparing for a stress-free kitchen remodel:

1. Set up a temporary kitchen station – During a kitchen remodel, it can be pretty inconvenient to do your daily meal prep. If you don’t have a second kitchen or kitchenette in your home, you may want to consider setting up a collapsible shelving unit with some of the basics in food, dishes, and possibly a microwave and mini fridge.

Helpful Tips When Preparing for Your Kitchen Remodel

2. Have a birthday or holiday coming up? Ask for gift cards – Many people need to save up for their kitchen remodel and may feel frustrated with budgetary restraints when eating out is more convenient or necessary. If possible, think ahead to invest in some restaurant gift cards or put them on your Christmas or birthday wish list.

3. Make a plan for storage – Kitchens are often used to store more than food and dishes. If there are other supplies – such as storage bags, office supplies, or linens – that you’ll need easy access to, consider finding an alternative temporary storage spot.

4. Think about pets – Talk to your contractor about when remodeling tasks may cause loud noises or a need for the workers to enter and exit the building frequently. This can be stressful and inconvenient for some pets. Try to make other arrangements for your pets on these days.

For the best service and workmanship in kitchen remodeling, you want our team at Precision Decorating. Contact us today to learn more!