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Precision DecoratingSun

Expert Tips for Great Bathroom Design

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in any home, so if you are planning to renovate yours, it’s important to get it right. Our team at Precision Decorating has extensive experience in bathroom renovation, and we are here to tell you that successful remodels start with great design. To help you get started, we have put together a few expert tips on how to create top-notch bathroom design.

Expert Tips for Great Bathroom Design

  • Be Mindful of Layout- One of the keys to great bathroom design is the layout. You’ll want to make sure every fixture in your bathroom has enough room to breathe, as cramming things too close together will make the space feel cramped and uncomfortable. This means you should choose your water fixtures and cabinetry with care, and be willing to let go of items that simply don’t fit. In addition, you should place the toilet so that it’s not the first thing you see when you enter the bathroom–we recommend using a vanity or bathtub as the focal point instead.
  • Don’t Skimp on Lighting- Another key to great bathroom design is lighting. You should include plenty of light fixtures and make sure to place them where they’ll be most needed, especially above the mirror. Not only will having the right amount of light allow the space to serve its purpose more effectively and make it easier for you to get ready, but it will also make the space feel brighter and more appealing.
  • Choose the Right Materials- A third key to great bathroom design is material selection. Everything you use in your bathroom should be designed for that purpose–remember that the bathroom is a space that’s prone to high humidity and abrupt temperature changes, which many materials do not handle well. Our team can advise you on these choices to ensure that your bathroom looks great and is easy to clean.